
Together with this brief article we recommend to all our readers the writings
of Ted Grant and Trotsky on war:
- A reply to the RSL - Chauvinism and
Revolutionary Defeatism (Ted Grant, June 1943)
- War and the International, (Trotsky, 1914)
- Pacifism as the Servant of imperialism, (Trotsky, 1917)
- Trotsky's Military Writings, Volume 1 (1918)
- Trotsky's Military Writings, Volume 2 (1919)
- Rallying the Army During the Civil War (Trotsky, 1919)
- The USSR and the War (Trotsky, 1939)
- In 'American Problems', August 7th 1940 (page 331, Writings of Leon Trotsky [1939-40],
Pathfinder Press, New York, 1973) you will find Trotsky's most developed and up-to-date
position on Marxism and war (this unfortunately is not available on line). The position
developed in this work was the basis of the position adopted by Ted Grant in his Reply to
the RSL in 1943
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